Wm Brown Annual Subscription


Wm Brown Annual Subscription

from $90.00 every 12 months

Thanks for subscribing to WM Brown! Your annual subscription includes three issues, beginning with the Summer 2024 Issue No. 17. The subscription automatically renews every year.

Your subscription also includes a three month free trial to the WM Brown newsletter.

Shipping Location:

The Summer issue No. 17 starts shipping early June. Issues are shipped via USPS/UPS and usually arrive within 10 days of purchase in the US or 2-3 weeks for DDP International. Then each following issue is shipped on release.

We don’t accept returns of magazines, but if yours arrives in poor shape, please take a photo, and let us know at info@thewilliambrownproject.com.

ADDRESS CHANGES: If at any point you need to update your subscription address, please note the only way to do so is to login to your account, cancel your current subscription and resubscribe with your new address. If you have any issues left on your subscription when you cancel you will be refunded for those issues.